I was in Ironforge bidding on auctions when I heard a summon from our guild. I then remebered that we were supposed to raid Gruul's Lair today. I headed to the bank to withdraw my equipment, potions, food and reagents then answered the summons. I felt the familiar tingling sensation as my body was transported from Ironforge to Blade's Edge Mountains where Gruul's Lair is found. Wow, a lot of people are already there. This is the first time that we totalled 25 in a single raid. I felt confident, tonight we'll dine in Gruul's blood.
We started the preparations, weapons were dipped in poison, sharpened and enchanted with magic. Magical buffs were casted, auras fired up, scrolls read. I adjusted my gear, today I deal damage and not take it.

Our main tank then charged towards Gruul. "Come... and die!", Gruul's voice echoed through his lair. We proceeded to our designated positions and then engaged the Gronn overlord (Gruul). Bam! Gruul hit the ground so hard that we were thrown all over the place. At this point, I remembered that we were supposed to stay away from each other since Gruul has a "shatter" ability where you will receive damage which is inversely proportional to the distance between you and your teammates. I ran towards the outer wall to avoid getting too close to the others. As luck would have it, one of my teammates landed right beside me. I fired up my Divine Shield in order to dispel the movement-reducing debuff. Alas, for some reason the spell failed (silence perhaps?). I saw a brief flash of light... then darkness... When I woke up (someone resurrected me), I saw Gruul lying on the floor, mouth open and saliva flowing out of his mouth. It was over, we have killed Gruul! Wooooooot!!!! (I was dead in most of the encounter though lol).
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