There we stood before Murmur, a hulking elemental wielding a gigantic sword. Discussions took place on what each of us were to do and not to do during the encounter. Everyone is supposed to be inside the raised, inner ring in which Murmur is standing in order to avoid being hit by his spell Thundering Storm and everytime he is about to cast Sonic Boom everyone should run outside the ring to avoid getting hit. After all the planning, weapons were sharpened and buffed, we were ready.
Our first few attempts were disastrous, plans were not executed accordingly and Murmur totally owned us. Our dpsers always die early on, getting hit by sonic boom or Resonance, probably my fault for not going back to Murmur early enough after each sonic boom :|.
Anyway, we brought Murmur down to around 6% when again the dpsers got owned. Only two of us were left fighting, Quago the healer and me the tank. We continued fighting on amid the yells of our teammates to use Divine Intervention :P. A minute went buy, 2, 3 minutes, we were still alive and Murmur is getting some ass kicking. At around 2% of Murmur's health, Quago has gone out of mana. I was now relying on my survivability and praying that I wont get hit with sonic boom. Then it happened, I was busy looking at Quago's mana pool that I didn't notice Murmur casting sonic boom. It was too late to run now, so I did what every good paladin would do in situations like this. I bubbled (Divine shield). At around 1% health of Murmur's health, Quago went down, leaving me alone with the enraged Murmur.
Murmur started casting sonic boom, I ran outside the ring then went back inside. I stopped out of melee range then fired my hammer of wraths (my only long ranged attack which is usable when enemies are below 20% health). The spell critted which caught Murmur offguard, sending him back to the dark abyss from which he came. The battle was over and all that remained was a gigantic sword plunged on the ground where Murmur once stood.
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