Boredom has spread like wildfire in the Bisdak guild. Fewer and fewer people have been online in the past few days. Life outside Azeroth, coupled with the anticipation for the opening of a new world (Northrend) made people realize the futility of the things that they are to be doing today, for when the gates and portals to Northrend will open, new gears will appear, where some measely "green" (normal) pieces will be far more powerful than our current epic (purple) gears. To cope with this epidemic (boredom), we (together with some guild members) decided to try and do "crazy" things that could help spice up this monotonic way of life.
First stop, kiting
Fel Reaver into
Shattrath City :D.
Our first few attempts have failed miserably. At first we chose the wrong path, then in our second attempt (a 2-man group, I was tanking and
Zinghyi, the crazy warrior, was healing me.yep he's a healing warrior lol bandage heals ftw! haha) we managed to get to Shattrath but I didn't know the exact location of the stairs leading to Adal so we lost Fel Reaver in the process.
So we went back to find this oversized mechanical machine once more. This time we managed to invite more bored guild members including a proper healer :D (I still love bandage heals btw :P). To do as little damage as possible to the poor Reaver, I used my ever loyal
mining pick to kite him.
Yep we were that bored :P. Watch out for more crazy stuff that we will be doing in the following days to come. :D